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a bit about my teaching

Head Tutor & Student Manager | DePaul University Center For Writing-based Learning 

As the Head Writing Center Tutor at DePaul University's Writing Center, I worked as one of two student managers for a staff of 80+ writing tutors across two locations. On a daily basis, I advised and assisted tutors on their practice and their pedagogy, ensuring that our high standards of comprehensive and instructive feedback were always delivered. On a quarterly basis, I led professional development workshops for our tutoring staff to discuss new research and tutoring pedagogy as well as participated in tutoring conferences. 


In addition, I continued to work as a writing tutor myself as I worked with hundreds of students, professors, and professionals to provide feedback on their writing, analysis, and process. As a tutor, I prioritized creating a safe and creative space to explore new ideas and frankly discuss the merits of various writing strategies, removing prescriptive practice from my tutoring strategy entirely. 

During the course of my summer serving as the Educational Programming Intern at 826CHI, I created four weeks of lessons plans for elementary school and middle school-aged student. I developed interactive, astronaut-themed, creative writing-based activities which encouraged the 40+ students participating to explore new worlds by writing their own short stories. 


At the end of the summer, these short stories were professionally edited and published, allowing each child to take home their own written work which would also be sold in the 826CHI store. 

Educational Programming Intern | 826CHI 

Education Intern | Compass Creative Dramatics 

As the Education Intern for Compass Creative Dramatics, I created lessons plans for various theatrically-themed workshops that were taught to students aged 5-13, including an intermediate acting workshop and a beginner's guide to dramaturgy. 


During the course of the six month internship, I taught 4 workshops a week at two different Chicago Park District camps for over 40 students. Additionally, I served as a Teaching Assistant for Compass camps where we helped students to learn and perform a show in 5 days in order to increase their bravery and public speaking skills. 

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President | DePaul University's Swing Dancing Society 

While serving as the President of the DePaul Swing Dancing Society, I served as the Instructor or Teaching Assistant for 9 ten-week courses on Lindy Hop, East Coast Swing, Charleston, and Blues dancing for a group of 20-30 DePaul students and Chicago swing dancers. 


Additionally, I organized bi-quarterly swing dances for upwards of 100 attendees including event rentals, band contracts, and instructors for taster lessons. It was my goal to not only create an entertaining social dance environment but also to provide education and educational resources on the complex social and cultural history of swing dancing in the United States of America. 

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